Pickup & Delivery Info
General Information
Hours of Operation are Monday - Thursday (8am - 6pm EST)
**We DO NOT fulfill orders Friday - Sunday or after 6pm on any day. Thank you for understanding!**
All orders must be placed at least 48-Hours in advance to allow time for your order to be thoughtfully prepared.
Pickup Policy
/ Food pickup is scheduled for a slot between 8:00 am – 6:00 pm EST, Monday - Thursday.
/ There are no food pickups after 6:00 pm.
/ The food must be picked up within 15 minutes of your scheduled time.
/ There is a late fee of $5 per 15 minutes after your allotted time slot if you pick up the same day.
/ If your food is not picked up on the scheduled day, there is a $25 per day late fee.
/ After 48 hours, your food will be discarded.
/ At no point in time, after the grocery shopping for your meal prep, will a refund be issued.
**Please Read**
Food picked up more than 24 hours after your pickup window has passed, and it is recommended to be frozen until the time of consumption to preserve freshness, and the consumption of the food is always at the client’s own risk.
/ Delivery is available for $25.
/ Delivery must be requested and paid for at the time of your order via the website, www.mealprepbycort.com, or no later than 48 hours before your scheduled pickup time.
/ Delivery may be requested on the day of your original pickup date, but this is not guaranteed and subject to Meal Prep by Cort’s availability.
/ Same day delivery services are available at Meal Prep by Cort’s discretion at the rate of $50